Sunday, December 12, 2010

Peaceful Nightts

Hi Nicholas,

It was nice seeing you, talking on the phone, walking around from your room to the other. I have to that it was freezing cold out there! I saw Uen and he saw me but we didn't talk because we were a distant away from each other and I am sure you've already knew about it. I didn't know that Perth has so much mosquitoes at night, they were biting me like crazy! Anyway, all I want to say is that I was praying so hard to get a chance to just see you, and I did! For that, I am happy. I am still learning to become stronger and you will get to see that day! I left because I didn't want to stop you from going out with your friends and get yourself stuck at home. I hope you were at least a little happy about seeing me! Even if it was just a short 10sec, it felt long for me, but definitely not enough. But it's okay! I will wait for you.

I love you, and it's unconditional this time

Baby Raymond.

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