Friday, December 01, 2006

Only Human

After all the hardship we been through
After all the happiniess we had together
Friends that had been together
Eating, fighting, arguing and playing...
Eventually, we are bonded together
You, I loved
And I, your loved
We all lived in peace and prosperity
Fights and quarrelments
Fades off eventually
Our bond
Binds us even stronger
All the miracle that happened
Let us believe
That we are
Only Human...
With all the loves that binds each and everyone together..
'Cause we are
Only Human..
Stay strong and live on
Even if there is no tomorrow
Love the next second for being there
Even if there is an end to life
Love the beginning of a new born to the light
Even if laugther fades
Love the smiles that had been there
After all, we are
Only Human

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